The Meetings and Spiritual Exercise of the Local Church

The Meetings and Spiritual Exercise of the Local Church

Additional Local Church Quotes by Witness and Watchman Nee

5. Gospel Meetings

Watchman Nee continues his discussion on the gospel meetings:

First, everyone must be clear that the gospel message is not for themselves but for the unbelievers. This may sound simple. But many brothers and sisters who attend the gospel meeting forget that the testifying brother is not testifying to them but to the unbelievers. Never come as a spectator, and never come to the meeting in a cold or uncooperative way. We do not have to be concerned whether the speaking is good or bad. Our goal is to save people and to cooperate with the meeting.
Second, if possible, all the brothers and sisters should attend this meeting. Do not think that since you are saved you no longer need to go to the gospel meeting. It is true that you are saved. But there are things you can do in the gospel meeting. You should go to the meeting not to listen to the gospel but to work. No one should be lazy in the gospel meeting. Some brothers and sisters say, “I already understand everything about the gospel. I do not need to come to such a meeting.” But coming to the gospel meeting has nothing to do with whether or not you already understand the gospel. You already understand everything about the bread-breaking meeting. Why then do you still go? You must go to the gospel meeting because you need to help the meeting. You also need to go because you have a part in it.
Third, every time there is a gospel meeting, you must bring some people to it. Send out invitations to your friends and relatives. Invite them a few days ahead of time or one to two weeks before the meeting is to be held. Sometimes God will give you the grace, and you can bring ten or twenty people to the meeting. If you have that many, ask others to help you take care of them. Take care of three or four yourself and ask others to take care of the rest. You should not bring any people to the meeting without taking care of them properly.
Do not arrive at a gospel meeting at the last minute. All the ones who attend the gospel meeting must be well prepared ahead of time. Make clear to the ones whom you have invited where you will wait for them. Perhaps you should go to their house and escort them to the meeting. Always give yourself a little more time. Avoid the situation where the meeting has started and yet your friend has not arrived.
Fourth, after bringing a friend to the meeting, take care of him during the meeting.
A. Sitting beside Him
An unbeliever does not know where to sit when he comes to the meeting hall. You must let him know where he should sit. If the ushers in the hall have made an arrangement already, you must cooperate with them. If you bring one person to the meeting, you must sit beside him. If you bring two, sit between them. If you bring three or four, sit with one or two on each side of you. Do not take care of more than four people; you will be busy enough taking care of four. If you bring more, ask other brothers or sisters to take care of them. Keep two persons at the most on each side. The way we sit is very important. In the meeting we have to sit beside the invited ones.

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